Astrology and the New Age spirituality blog aims to aid those who are seeking understanding in the realm of the paranormal and provide extra knowledge to those who wanted to pursue as psychics.
Since the beginning of time, people believed in spirits & the ability to communicate with them, spiritual events like reincarnation & karma, psychic ability or psychic powers, and astrology. These things is said to be present in the lives of all people, but through the passage of time less and less of people believed in spirituality... especially now that technology and science have outgrown them, people now only believed in logic.
But for me, I both believe in logic and the new age spirituality. Why? Logic for me, are the things that people do and the effect of those things in return. Spirituality for me is the beginning, there's nothing wrong with getting attached with your past but it is still important to go on with your future!
It is entirely up to you on what belief you may take in your path, as long as it is for the good of humanity.
by gemini
psychic advice
Today, it's hard to get a real and honest relationship with a man. There are several reasons for that: woman who are hard to understand, who doesn't listen, a woman who talks too much without thinking first, who craves for materials things, lacks honesty, flirty, easy to get, and cheap! although not all women are like that, those are some of the reasons why some men are very cautious when it comes to choosing the right woman to marry.
Did you know that a lot of woman now a days go for a psychic advice online on love and relationship? It's not bad to try new things to improve yourself, even if it fails on the first time, it could be your second chance that will get you lucky. The new age spirituality mainly focuses on human behavior, that is why psychics are good at giving relationship advices, astrology reports, love horoscopes and love predictions.
Here are four simple guides for the ladies on how to please their men:
Men like women who are simple and dresses feminine. Always smile at him, because a smile is a signal that means your approachable and open for conversation. Remain simple in your moves, do not exaggerate in your emotions because some men may like an aggressive woman, but most men like their ladies to be simple and feminine natured. Men tend to look at us and rate us as easy to get or cheap simply by the way we act and talk.
This means, “think before you speak”. It doesn't matter what degree in college you've finished or some expert license that you hold, if you talk too much and doesn't think before speaking you might say hurtful things which you'll later regret. Remember that words that are already spoken can never be taken back. Your star sign can give you information about your attitude towards others, don't make fun of a love horoscope because some of those things are true, deep inside you just don't want to accept it. Astrology and psychic reading are tools laso used for determining a persons attitude and provides tips and advices on how to improve your life, love and career.
Men really hates a talkative woman, remember that, it is unattractive and may even be the same reason for a guy to easily loose interest in you. Since a man is rarely get listened to for a long period of time, show him that you can also handle his problems and worries by listening to him. A woman that listens gets a man's attention. They're not like women, we are always talking about our problems and all needs with our man, sometimes we just need to stop talking for a while and listen. If your having some relationship problems due to a talk & listen issue, which is always present in any relationship, take some online relationship advice from expert psychics.
Lastly, it's honesty. Wherever you go and whatever you do, all people likes a person whose honest. As a woman, next to love and trust, honesty is the third thing we could give to our man. If you give it, it may not be the same things you'll receive but at least you're being true to yourself and to him. Flirting is only good for the singles, being committed means you give yourself to only one man. If your curious about your flirt type, try some numerology report from expert psychics, calculating your birth date with some special formula and the produced number becomes your flirt number!
Astrology could be a powerful tool to aid you in understanding more about your attitude and your partner. Sure it's tiring to read lots of advices online, but it is a good alternative when it comes to looking for the right man to marry. Psychic advices are not half bad, if you listen carefully you will learn tons of secrets!
by gemini
love predictions
Relationships, compatibility and flirt type of a person can be determined through psychic reading. This method has been long sought by many people, people looking for love, answers, and those who wanted to take a peek into their future relationship with their loved one.Psychics can predict a persons love life, give dating tips and advices for relationship
improvement through psychic reading, astrology and numerology. Although most of the people today do not believe in the new age spirituality, still many come for psychic advice and mostly for help. Love predictions and compatibility through psychic reading. Since astrology is used to study the relationships of people and the events that occur on earth, it is also used by psychics to predict a person's life path. The celestial bodies (moon, stars, sun and planets) are said to be interconnected and together they influence an event or events that happened or about to happen to a person. In other words, astrology is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Why? It is good to know what your future might look like, but if what you see is not what you had longing for? It becomes a disappointment and may result to giving up before even starting. And that's where psychics and their abilities comes in! Being able to predict and in the same time give advices to avoid those failures.
Flirting is a different thing. How would you know what type of flirt you are? Psychics use numerology to determine a persons flirt type. This is a valuable information where you'll learn your weaknesses and how to use your strong points when it comes to your personal love life. Numerology can also be used to determine a person's life path by calculating birth date or a letter(s) of the alphabet which corresponds to a number. These calculated numbers are the result of your lucky number, destiny number and so on.
Love predictions and psychic advice from professional psychics are very helpful for those seeking improvement and those that needs help to accept or understand their weaknesses. People taking interest in love predictions strongly believe that it is one way to boost their relationship, though it is not recommended by many people.
These psychic readings serves as a window to the spiritual world and also the connection to the other side. They see things unseen by most people and feel things that are unnatural to their surroundings. How they use their gifts vary from good to evil, and only those with pure heart and mind chose to help people other than use their gift to obtain their worldly inner desires.
The new age spirituality itself is the door to the spiritual world and the people who has developed their psychic ability becomes the path that connects our world to the spiritual, and their psychic powers serves as the tool to open the door to other side for those people with lesser psychic abilities to help them better understand that there is more to life than waking up each day, eating, or going to work.
Remember that astrology mixed with numerology, used for the good of humanity, is equals to accurate psychic reading! Universal Psychic Guild is an online psychic reading service with real professional psychics to assure you accurate psychic reading results and psychic advices on life, love and career. Participate in forum discussions where you can ask questions from real psychics or share your supernatural experiences.
by gemini
new age
People who accept the realm of the paranormal and unnatural are certain that people in the beginning are born with psychic powers but only few becomes a psychic. There are two types of psychics that we believe in; the “natural born” and those with little powers within them. The “natural born” psychics are said to be the gifted as they have great amount of psychic powers since birth. On the other hand, those who are born with lesser amount of psychic powers requires heavy practice and understanding in order to grow. In other cases, lots of psychics whose abilities are suddenly awaken by strong emotions or near-death experience, which results into having great amount of mental powers in an instant.
Psychics are people with great mental abilities beyond the use of the five senses; clairvoyance / telepathy, psychic reading, cold reading, dream interpretation, palm reading, astrological reading and tarot card reading are just some of the abilities of a psychic. Have you ever had the feeling that a spirit is present near you, or have seen one? A psychic reader has the ability to transfer and receive information through you mind, and having unexplained dreams which come true in real life. A true psychic provides accurate psychic readings and immediate answers to questions that would solve or improve every aspect of life – Universal Psychic Guild –.UNDERSTANDING. Spiritual development requires time, patience and understanding. In order to develop your psychic ability, you must first understand its importance and purpose, having a psychic powers also hold responsibilities; becoming a psychic means that you allow your mind and body to grow spiritually, set your goal into helping others, giving the precise information as possible and know that having a psychic ability is never to be abused.PATIENCE. Whether if you're a natural born with psychic powers or not, you will only be able to develop your psychic ability in time, so don't rush, the spirits will guide you through your journey. It is best to find a psychic group in your community or online to guide you, books and journals of other psychics are a great help too.FOCUS. Focusing first on one ability is good, choose which ability you would like to develop. It is important that you believe in yourself while doing a reading. Psychics have different types of reading and uses the most appropriate one for a client.
CHOOSE YOUR TOOL. Always have the proper tool(s) before conducting a reading.* A Tarot Card is a divination tool that is used to gain insight and resolve issues regarding heath, relationships, career, and spirituality.* Numerology, from the word itself, uses numbers that correspond to each letter of the alphabet. With a mathematical formula, psychics use numerology to give past or future information on a person's life path.* Astrology and Horoscope, uses symbols and through the use of celestial bodies such as the moon, sun, and planets that represents events that occur on a person's life.* A Crystal Ball is used to aid in clairvoyance, a Greek word that means “clear seeing”, is a psychic ability that is beyond the five senses – the transferring of information using only the mind.* There are other ways of reading without the use of a tool, these are clairvoyance, a Greek word meaning “clear seeing”, palm reading, cold reading, dream interpretation, and more.PRACTICE. Becoming a skillful psychic requires a lot of practice, nobody becomes a professional in any field in just a few days! When practicing your psychic ability keep in mind that what you're doing something good for someone, discard your doubts, no matter what your mind sees during a psychic reading take full trust in your ability. Though psychics cannot actually predict the future perfectly, but they always provide the information needed by a client.An online Psychic Reading provides fast and desirable results, these results are are either given to a client on the spot (psychic reading via webcam) or through email reports. There are other benefits you can learn through this online readings such as the online psychic ability test, astrology, horoscopes, dream interpretation, numerology, tarot card reading and much more!Lastly, if you've just begun to learn on how to develop your psychic powers, try some psychic ability test first to know the scope and limit of your psychic powers. Psychic tests are available in online and in a psychics' community.
by gemini
new age

Psychic is a term used in the field of parapsychology which refer to the ability to perceive the things that is hidden to ordinary senses through means of extra-sensory perception, or though the use of other techniques such as cold reading,prestidigitation and a lot more. While the term astrology is define as the study of the relationships between people and events on earth, and the cycles, movement of the planets and how they influence the live of peoples. This parapsychology and astronomical matters affects our daily lives in the way it influence the beliefs of many from generation until now. It also depicts the life of a person, events and other phenomena that makes many peoples lives much more interesting and comfortable through the years. Psychic and astrology are all part of people's lives, this are the aspects of life that affects once decision through love or career, it depicts and steadily point to the part of every peoples journey.Nowadays many people used astrology and psychic for business, households and even in other establishments for it's well known used, some other used it for their personal needs. Astrology is a method predicting events based upon the assumption of celestial bodies particularly planets, moon, sun and even stars that depicts the events to a persons existence. In psychic,our physical five sensory world we are often not aware of the entourage of spirit that accompanies us through our every day life. Our senses will pick up smells and sounds, and we may even see things – and we often put it down to logical reasoning. It is easy to explain away these things. Yet sometimes we do question the relevance of this things that we commemorate. Psychic and astrology makes an enormous impact to every peoples live, even though many people accept this facts that this kind of matter are present and can be useful to others who believe in it, the misconception and clarity of this things is still unknown to many.It affects our lives in so many way, like communicating to elemental spirits and love ones that pass away using proper psychic techniques which develop and implemented through decades of research and formulation that is proven and tested by so many psychic experts, while astrology depicts love life, career, luckiness, and even bad luck and wrong misconception of life using astrological symbolism. We cannot deny that all this kind of things is really happening and present to our daily lives, that conclusively affects our beliefs and faith through generations. Being open minded to this type of phenomena and being to cope to the changes of nature makes a person lives much more better.Becoming aware to your inner potential to connect with your highest self, and to know that you are at one with all around you. You are a spiritual being having a human experience; therefore your spiritual being is still connected to spiritual experience – including communication to the spirit world. This is a natural part of life!